Negeri Markisah

August 14, 2014

I come from district Solok, Solok the area beautiful in places nice to travelling, many places to visit, example Danau Singkarak, tea garden, Talang Mountain, of course, Twins lake.

I live in Alahan Panjang, another name Twin lake is Danau Kembar, the are Danau di Ateh and Danau di Bawah. I live in Danau di ateh or on the lake. The name area Alahan Panjang, in there very cold, moreover Alahan Panjang place coolest in West Sumatera.

Many Bule Come to Alahan Panjang, like from British and Amerika also from China. They are often visited in there, is there any fruit special the name Markisah,  the fruit very delicious and sweet. If you went go Alahan Panjang I suggest you please bring a jacket if not, you will sick, and you'd better stay in the villa on the lake, the places clean and beautiful cheap and the location villa very good in Lakeside. If you visit there very good time celebration Idul Fitri because you can see Many culture society Minangkabau


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